For this leg again, the ocean was unnaturally flat and, well, Pacific. The first part, in the light, was pleasant and scenic:
Then it got dark and foggy. It’s really weird sliding through the water with no external references. And cold, too.
Not enough wind to sail any portion of it. Motoring, we had to actually slow down in order not to arrive at Morro Bay before dawn.
At Morro Bay, we had a bit of an adventure finding where to dock to check in with the Harbor Master. And once we found it, the “normal” dock seemed a bit small for our boat, so we ended up on a Coast Guard side-tie. They were very friendly, and didn’t mind us using the dock space for a short time while we checked in. But we did get the impression we weren’t really supposed to be there, and they asked some questions which were either very vanilla idle curiosity (where are you from, where are you heading), or check-they’re-not-terrorists pro forma.
At present, we’re on a mooring ball in the anchorage. Here’s our view:
Now we’re both going to take naps…