We knew it would happen sooner or later — a medical emergency while we’re away from civilization and emergency rooms and doctors. Well, now it has.
We have a lot of stuff on board for emergency situations. That includes a rather large and complete medical supply kit. And it’s part of the reason we have a satellite phone — so we can call for medical advice no matter where we are.
We haven’t gone as far as one couple we read about, who learned how to remove each other’s appendix, just in case. In fact, we never got around to taking the wilderness medical course that we really, really meant to.
But you never know what the emergency is going to be or when it’s going to occur. In this case, it happened in Bahia los Frailes. And it happened while Suzana was taking a shower, so I was on my own. Coming out of the aft head, I… Oh, it’s painful to even say it… I stubbed my toe!
OK. OK. It’s not exactly a life threatening emergency, but in fairness, it did turn black and blue, and it did swell up. It wasn’t just a little stub, it was a big, painful stub!
But now that we’ve done the “medical emergency” thing, we’re hopefully that it’s out of our system and will never happen again. Just like we got running aground done with early in our sailing career and have never felt the need to do it again.